From : Gerard Jacobs
Managing Director Jet-Net
Dear Nelly
Thank you for your mail and interest in Jet-Net. I like it very much to be able to support you with our experience in Jet-Net.
See below a short introduction / experience from different people.
Jet-Net is a joint venture between Dutch Companies and pre-college schools in the Netherlands . Jet-Net companies help schools enhance the appeal of their science curriculum by using a great variety of activities and also allow students to gain a better understanding of their future career perspectives in industry and technology.
Government, Industries and Educational Institutes are working together in this initiative. Jet-Net started in 2002 with 5 multinationals and 15 secondary schools. Today we have 35 companies on board, related to 160 secondary schools!
Commitment (management of industry and schools) and Enthusiasm (employees and teachers) are key words in the success of Jet-Net. Our goal for the next 2 years is to grow towards 60 companies and 250 schools.
Gerard Jacobs, Managing Director of Jet-Net: If we want to give the students a more and better understanding about the application of theory (school subjects) into practise, the cooperation between secondary schools and industry is a must! This attitude is a major breakthrough thanks to the Jet-Net initiative. The reaction of pupils, parents and teachers are very positive. Companies experience that the employees involved in Jet-Net are extra motivated!
Our H.R.H Prince Friso of Orange-Nassau: “Jet-Net is a fantastic concept; because it gives companies the opportunity to show what they think is important”
Gerard Kleisterlee, President and CEO of Royal Philips electronics N.V.: “Highly qualified experts are essential, both for the Netherlands and for Philips. Therefore it is important that we can help youngsters to become exited about enterprising and challenging positions in corporate life. Within Jet-Net this is daily practise at secondary schools throughout the Netherlands . Jet-Net is an example of successful co-operation between corporate life, educational institutions and Government, and we are particularly proud of it!
Jose Manuel Barroso, President of the European Commission: “By opening the window between the worlds of education and industry, Jet-Net is providing a powerful example of how Europe can make the most of its potential to turn innovation into growth and jobs for the future.
Best Regards, Gerard
Gerard Jacobs
Managing Director Jet-Net