Parents: We can help you
- Being well-informed about evaluation and assessment at school
- Being able to determinate what sort of school you want for your child
- Being informed about the new competences needed in the 21st century
- Being informed about Life Long Learning.
You will find on this website many contributions of researchers, practitioners with an international experience.
If you want to be invited to the platform "Declics" where we run the project "Parents’ involvement", please, contact us.
- Is there a teamwork in the schoom ?
- How do teachers integrate ICT and foreign languages in their teaching methods ?
- How do teachers work with external partners, such as science centres, companies, universities, associations,
- Do students learn to be active, do their get « entrepreneurial » skills ?
If you want to develop your own project or to participate to an existing project on "Declics", please contact us.